Central Aroostook Soil & Water

About Us

The Central Aroostook Soil and Water Conservation District, established in 1942, is the oldest Soil and Water Conservation District in Maine. Aroostook County, due to its vast size, is divided into three districts: Southern Aroostook, Central Aroostook, and Saint John Valley. The Central Aroostook District office is located at 102 Normal Hall at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, with an additional office at their research farm.

The district collaborates closely with local growers to implement sustainable practices that conserve soil, water, and forest resources. As a non-profit organization, it is governed by a Board of five County Supervisors— three elected and two appointed— each serving three-year terms. Additionally, there are up to five Associate Supervisors who support the Board. The day-to-day operations are managed by an Executive Director.

Our monthly meetings occur on the second Tuesday of every month at 102 Normal Hall, University of Maine at Presque Isle, 181 Main Street in Presque Isle at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are open to the public and we encourage public interest and attendance.

The district conducts several educational activities, workshops, and other events throughout the year. We encourage you to view our calendar below and visit our Facebook page to see if you may be interested in attending!

The district encourages individuals to become cooperators and join their mission. Those interested can contact the office for more information.

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